Ninao Group has been diversifying their offering from leaving their ice cream parlour to become available in convenience stores – in a different shape of course: Ice lollies or cookies. As two-in-one is better than cookies and ice cream on their own.
On the packaging you are greeted by a bespectacled gentleman. You may probably guess whose likeliness it shows… the boss of Ninao himself of course. The Ninao Group does already have a few successful ice cream parlors, yet the challenging circumstances of pandemic life emphasise the need for deliverable alternatives for customers.
On the packaging you are greeted by a bespectacled gentleman. You may probably guess whose likeliness it shows… the boss of Ninao himself of course. The Ninao Group does already have a few successful ice cream parlors, yet the challenging circumstances of pandemic life emphasise the need for deliverable alternatives for customers.
Photographs by
Ordinary People
Lin Ko Cheng
Ordinary People
Lin Ko Cheng